Life...The Most Complicated Thought

The unexamined life is not worth living. ~Socrates

Belated Valentine's Day!!!

Belated Valentine's Day!!!

Finally I got to use this icon..I was waiting for Valentine's but yesterday I didn't even have time to go online. Even today I got a chance but right before going to bed.

Anywayz..Today I went to the concert "Sounds of Hope." I loved it. It was too good. I bow down to these doctors who have dedicated their lives to medicine/research but have kept their passion of music alive as well. I feel as if their passion for music is stronger than my passion for dance and books. I have quit dancing..well almost. I only dance on occasions. Now I am getting back to reading. I quit reading after high school and did not pick up books until after my graduation. Now I sometimes have two books on my "Now reading" list. I think I have taken it to an extreme level. :P

Books are part of me. Sometimes I feel emotions can be expressed better with words on paper. I have read books that brought tears to my eyes or even made me mad. It is scary to know that books/writing have the power to do so. Well I hope that I keep up with this habit of mine. I would love to start back on dancing, maybe take some classes, and learn new style of dancing.



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